Lee Nallalingham

International Best-Selling Author, Speaker & Leader – Empowering people and businesses to fulfil their potential


Why Excellence Is a Habit

Aristotle’s famous quote, “We are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act but a habit,” holds a timeless truth that is especially relevant in today’s fast-paced world. Understanding this can transform the way we approach our daily lives and ambitions. The Power of Routine The first step in turning excellence into a…

How Does AI Enable Proactive Engagement in the Workplace?

Imagine a workplace where every potential issue is addressed before it becomes a problem, where every employee feels supported and understood. This is not just hopeful thinking—it’s what AI-powered proactive engagement is making possible today. Let’s delve into how AI is providing insights that transform workplace dynamics. Predicting Engagement with AI AI’s predictive analytics are…

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